Sunday, January 26, 2014


I've always wanted to learn how to sew.

I knew how to once upon a time. In a time where schools had home-ec classes and I learned to make tissue holders and locker caddies.

But that was years ago, and I was in middle school, so I didn't care much about it then. And even if I did, I was too cool to admit it.

Recently I've wanted to re-learn and become efficient enough at it that I could make some gifts or at least hem pants. When your 5'2" the ability to hem pants is a necessity.

A friend of mine's mom is an excellent sewer. She can make anything from scratch. She can hem, fix, take in, let out any piece of clothing you have.

A couple of weeks ago, I asked if she would be willing to teach me how to sew. She said yes and we picked a date.

We started at 3:30pm with Mrs. G taking us to JoAnn's and helping us pick out a pattern. We got back to the house and began cutting out patterns and fabric (which takes a long time!).

We got both sewing machines fired up and began sewing.

By 11pm, I was only 3/4ths of the way through. The last couple steps are easy compared to what I've already accomplished but there was no way I was going to finish at a decent hour. I felt my patient slipping.

We decided to call it quits.

Below you'll see a little preview. I plan to go back later this week or next week to finish up the project.

Would you look at that, the pattern of my new apron matches my blog design. Well, well, well.

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